The wide selection of trading instruments are usually a welcome sign for traders looking into enlisting the services of a brokerage to start their career in trading. Suffice it to say, the high number of accessible assets through a brokerage allows for strong and well-rounded portfolios. The brokerages know the value of offering such, as this is the case, the most notable ones evidently have plenty to offer, making for enticing gambles and offers.
The brokerage, Interactive Brokers is one such financial entity as it offers a wide-ranging line of asset options and more than 4,300 mutual funds free from transaction fees. With these in the cards, Interactive Brokers has become one of the most favored brokerages in the trading industry, with its clients pining over its development of what is called the IBKR Lite, a second tier service that doles out free trades for ETFs and Stocks. The innovation had been created to cater to the more seasonal traders. These are traders who might be classified as serious traders but do not necessarily dig their hands deep or sleep without a blink just to trade.
The IBKR Lite alongside Interactive Brokers other pertinent services would be discussed in this short review.

All About Interactive Brokers
Fact of the matter is, Interactive Brokers has been created with both the simpler and serious traders in mind. In the context of the brokerage, the novice and the experienced are given the attention they are both due. The review team had seen the equity that had been established on these trader classes and had assumed, on the onset, that traders from all walks of life would benefit from the programs and offers it is willing to serve up.
Day Trading is primarily the trading strategy that Interactive Brokers had been established for.
Interactive Brokers is considered to be one of the longest running financial brokers with its year of founding being in 1978. It is one of the more established institutions that had been able stand the test of time, an impressive feat given the ever-changing terrain of the trading industry and its never-ceasing demanding nature.
Based in the United States, Interactive Brokers takes cues from the stringent regulations of the Security Exchange Act of 1934. All transactions that the firm delves in are being sanctioned by FINRA and the SEC, two notable authorities in the trading sector.
International Brokers operates globally through 218 nations, 135 exchanges, and 23 currencies.
The Interactive Offers for the More Interactive Trader
Commissions, Trading Volumes, and Pricing
One of the things that had traders hooked is the low pricing for shares that are transacted through its chosen trading platform.
Its commissions are low, which are made available through the novice-friendly IBKR Lite. However, it is noteworthy that it is through the IBKR Pro that the more seasoned investors would be rewarded handsomely from with consideration to its commissions with Stocks and ETFs. For instance, trades that comes with high volumes are welcomed with $0.005 per share; $1 for the minimum trade commission while the maximum is 1% of the trade value’s entirety. Tiered pricing is also available so that prices may even go lower. This is indicative that the firm cares for its clients capacity for delving into high volume trades.
The offering of low rates are also advantageous for Margin traders using IBKR Pro in that they are given the maximum which is the benchmark rate with an additional 1.5%. If we are looking at IBKR Lite, then it would 2.5%.
Traders are also given the chance to buy a part of the stock that a company holds, making for a more diverse investment portfolio.
The Desktop Trader Workstation: A Most Efficient Trading Software
The review team had noted the efficiency of Interactive Brokers’ trading software, the Desktop Trader Workstation. It is lauded by the trading community in that it offers real-time monitoring and an account interface that can be personalized. The lodging of multiple orders are also possible.
Traders are also in on more convenient trades through the IBKR mobile application. All the features of the desktop trading software alongside the numerous developed shortcuts are available through the application.
IB’s Impressive Asset Range
To cut the long story short, Interactive Brokers offers more than 8,300 mutual funds together with Forex, Stocks, Options, Commodities, and ETFs. For the latter, 96 are available without commissions.
Yes It is a Good Idea to Trade with interactive Brokers
The trading instrument range, Commissions, and trading software are things that the brokerage, Interactive Brokers has going. These configure to provide its clients optimal trading conditions. The assets available alone are already enough reason to sign up with the firm. Sure if you try to research on the disadvantages that you may incur should you choose to enlist with the Interactive Brokers, you would be able to note that the pros actually outweigh the cons. It is with great honesty that the review team recommends the firm to do business through.